The quality of information is the central nervous system of our services

Mtrix knows the value that should be given to the quality of the information it provides to its customers. MIND® – an exclusive data quality platform – monitors and analyzes the content of information relating to purchases made by more than 1 million POSs on a daily basis. Through a highly intuitive web environment, dedicated team and collaborative processes, it allows clarity and extreme precision regarding the consistency of information. With MIND you have the guarantee that your business decisions are based on reliable information.


Maurício Utiyama

BU Director
“A factor that distinguishes Mtrix from other companies operating in the market is its ability to deliver services and solutions with high agility and customization to our needs. Its information quality control system – MIND – is a unique tool and a great differentiator, which guarantees us daily information with 99% consistency. Therefore, we know that we can trust the information provided to make decisions in our company.”