Optimizes sales productivity for your company to achieve retail growth without high investments in sample surveys.
Main Benefits
Greater effectiveness on sales and return on investment
Customer loyalty and retention
Greater accuracy on distribution
Targeted sales strategies
Leverage business opportunities, increasing your sales and selling more effectively.
Innovation in planning, execution and measurement of sales, marketing, pricing, and S&OP actions
CASE CAPTARE: Maximizing Sales and Market Penetration

The client in question is a leading global group in several product categories. Its success is the result of a management system with clear objectives and challenging goals, accomplished by competent professionals and the implementation of innovative systems that maximize sales.

As a result of a partnership of over 10 years, it is today one of Mtrix’s largest clients. It intensely uses our custom made solutions for market intelligence, incentive campaign management, sell-in, sell-out and inventory management, among others, in order to maximize sales results.

The Challenge
To have their products in all homes. Therefore, the main focus was to achieve higher levels of penetration at the POS, especially of its most popular products.

The company had a considerable market share of 60% for one of its main products, however its market penetration reached 53% of the total number of stores where products of the multi-purpose cleaning category were sold. This scenario showed that sales were high, but there was a great potential to reach new points where the brand was not found.

Knowing about Mtrix’s solutions, the company contacted us to suggest market penetration tools – initially for the referred product.

The Solution

After analyzing and having an immersion in the client, Mtrix suggested a set of solutions and analytical studies that map out purchase behavior profile in strategic areas compared to client’s product’s performance. With that it was possible to highlight the best potential areas and POS to focus on, identifying those that the client wasn’t present in that category as well as those that the client could increase presence.

The Result

It was possible to identify 310,000 POS to be explored, as well as to determine the appropriate actions to tackle the best ones, such as the right sales volume and/or frequency of a specific product mix, among other relevant measures.

The results exceeded expectations and the client added 22 thousand stores from the indirect channel to its portfolio, corresponding to 5 numerical distribution points, leading the company to a 44% record in this type of indicator, with a 30% sales growth.

From that point on, the client was convinced that Mtrix was a key ingredient to improve performance and decided to adopt  Mtrix’s strategic and tactical solutions to improve performance of variety of other products.

  • Identification of 310,000 potential stores to be explored.
  • Client added 22,000 new stores in the indirect channel
  • Client broke 44% record in numeric distribution
  • 30% increase in sales